It is sometimes hard to believe how we can stand up to the norms of society to establish ourselves as an unique individual, but sadly most of us end up losing our uniqueness and getting lost in the sea of homo sapiens.
So if I ask some random stranger, "Where do you stand today?" there can be a few possible reactions: he/she might ignore me thinking that I am a total lunatic, he/she might answer sarcastically ,"on the ground, duh!" or maybe they just might give it a few seconds of thought to reflect on their life's situation and answer it honestly.
So what do we all seek? Money, power, love, hate, fulfillment, attention, enjoyment and the list goes on! At the end of the day, when you put your head on the pillow, do you sleep well or do you just ponder more about what other desires need to be fulfilled? It might sound like a very familiar situation to many since it is the reality of the lives that we live. Greed, lust and ungratefulness seem to be the driving force behind our everyday life and have brought us humanity to where we are. Now it can be debated that compared to a few decades ago, most of us are better of and to some degrees it is true but it only pertains to our materialistic existence! Now I might sound crazy when I say this, but our belief that we need more to do more is what will bring our ultimate demise and if we look around today we can see the effects can already be felt.
It would be unethical of me if I sat that we can all change ourselves right now but at this very moment we need to realized that we have a problem which needs to be solved, and the first step would be that we all stop rationalizing our misdeeds! Now lets take a step behind and and take a look around ourselves and try to reflect .......... what we will find is that everyone is so proud of the objects that they own, they have lost the sight of who they are!

I can pointing out to a lot of our everyday narcissistic behavior but my duty is not to judge but rather to point out the solutions that I have found and share it with everyone.
I will try to tackle an aspect our almost everyone's life and it even relates to me! Although we all celebrate mother's day and father's day with cards and cakes and whatever else that you do it with, we always forget to present our parents with something they deserve more than any other person alive on this planet: they deserve our respect! But do we really care about? Don't we all rationalize "Its okay, I just misbehaved with them once"?
But hold on, are we supposed to do so? Our mothers, who bore you for 9 months, she went through immense pain to give birth to us and yet their love remains constant! Think of it this way, if your best friend punched you hard over a girl, would you still go and apologize to him the next day? Now, times that pain you felt when you were punched by at least a thousand and you might be close to the pain your mother felt when giving birth to you, yet she keeps on loving you from the day you were born and still today! We are not even counting in our mothers' countless hours of lost sleep due to our own conditions as infants ................. yet they keep on loving us!
So where do we stand? You judge yourself and tell us all! It is important that we stop spiraling down the evil's drain because once we reach the break point we will never find light which will soothe our soul, and I am not referring to the hereafter, I am talking about this world. We will all suffer if we do not stop rationalizing and do not solve the root problem, an almost factual understanding in the field of psychology!
So next time you are about to misbehave with them, picture the pain you mother felt which is why you are here and try not to make her go through worse by breaking her heart and I will also try to do so at my best possible limit to! SO REST assured ......... :D
So if I ask some random stranger, "Where do you stand today?" there can be a few possible reactions: he/she might ignore me thinking that I am a total lunatic, he/she might answer sarcastically ,"on the ground, duh!" or maybe they just might give it a few seconds of thought to reflect on their life's situation and answer it honestly.

It would be unethical of me if I sat that we can all change ourselves right now but at this very moment we need to realized that we have a problem which needs to be solved, and the first step would be that we all stop rationalizing our misdeeds! Now lets take a step behind and and take a look around ourselves and try to reflect .......... what we will find is that everyone is so proud of the objects that they own, they have lost the sight of who they are!

I can pointing out to a lot of our everyday narcissistic behavior but my duty is not to judge but rather to point out the solutions that I have found and share it with everyone.
I will try to tackle an aspect our almost everyone's life and it even relates to me! Although we all celebrate mother's day and father's day with cards and cakes and whatever else that you do it with, we always forget to present our parents with something they deserve more than any other person alive on this planet: they deserve our respect! But do we really care about? Don't we all rationalize "Its okay, I just misbehaved with them once"?

So where do we stand? You judge yourself and tell us all! It is important that we stop spiraling down the evil's drain because once we reach the break point we will never find light which will soothe our soul, and I am not referring to the hereafter, I am talking about this world. We will all suffer if we do not stop rationalizing and do not solve the root problem, an almost factual understanding in the field of psychology!
So next time you are about to misbehave with them, picture the pain you mother felt which is why you are here and try not to make her go through worse by breaking her heart and I will also try to do so at my best possible limit to! SO REST assured ......... :D