Monday, March 3, 2014

Fear of failure.

All my life I have always strived to travel the longest path because it always helped me distinguish myself from everyone else; now that I look back, it has been tremendously beneficial for me as it I always had a much clearer vision than those who opted for a quick escape down the rabbit hole. This is the story of myself, hidden away in the cracks of time, when I was naive and willing to risk it all to reach enlightenment.

But its no longer black or white, there is no correct answer and as time passes the loss potential increases, which necessitates more planning and delicate approach because a risk is no longer encapsulated by the hydrophobic segmentation of youth, where nothing has to been connected. But as we age, everything slowly narrows down to move towards a singular goal, the final destination. This kind of rigid structure can easily lead to fear of failure because one misstep puts one at the beginning of the line; there is no save option for the current status so that a misstep can be rectified. The stakes are much higher too as we are limited by obligations, dreams and ambition. The sheer though of failure can often be paralyzing.

But, this anxiety is not a reflection of the reality, as to be successful one must fail early and fail well; the reasoning behind this idea is the simple reality that we learn best from our mistakes made while practicing, so if we do not even try to get on the field because we are uncertain of the it real world implications, the chances are one will never get on the filed to play the game. To be good at something, one must first accept that he is not good and only then he would be able to practice to improve his skills. Our brain works in a very similar fashion, as first we visualize the action and then we try to execute it; every time there is an error, our brain can make incremental improvements along the way so that at one point, the action matches the visualization and you have succeeded in mastering the skill at hand. The realty is that there is no way around it; the investment of time can be smart for maximal gain but investment is still mandatory.